Thursday, March 17, 2011

English 95 student feedback

Hi All,

I'm reading cover letters for the 95 essays I'm slugging through, and wanted to share with you a comment:

"I felt like this was an open assignment. I was used to having assignments where I would be given questions to answer and told how my essay should look from those answers. This was more up to me and how I wanted the essay to turn out. I had to figure out how to still meet the essay's criteria."

I'm still turning this over in my mind, trying to decide if she meant this as a good or bad thing...I suspect she meant good, but is demonstrating that curiosity that not all my 95ers are...self directed...many seem to want to simply be told what to do and how to do it, with little room for "figuring it out" (banking). I'd like to explore how to do this/encourage this without sacrificing standards/form/structure...


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